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Products and Services Personalized to Your Needs: 

Our primary objective for each patient is to provide a complete program that includes off-the-shelf products, custom fitting and individualized service, all of which lead to increased functional ability. Whether you are seeking pain relief or increased mobility due to overuse, an accident or a sports-related injury or you are in need of an orthotic treatment to manage a chronic disease or illness, our professional can help you meet your unique needs.

Dicarre Orthotics Product places a high premium on communicating clearly with both the people we are serving, and within the entire health care team. please communicate any questions or concerns with our team regarding your orthotic care protocol. We are always available and happy to assist you.


Restoration to the Maximum Degree Possible of a Person Suffering from Disease or Injury
For those who have a severe injury or face a debilitating chronic disease, rehabilitation may depend on the combined efforts of many people. Ideally, you will be part of a team that includes your key family members and/or friends, a physician, an orthotist and their support staff, a physical therapist, an occupational therapist, and even a psychologist. While it is true that most of the effort is up to you, the expertise and guidance of each person on your support team is critical. It is likely that your payer will have limitations on the number of physical or occupational therapy sessions allowed. When you know this in advance, you can consult with your therapist about the most efficient sequence of scheduling. Paying out-of-pocket for extended therapy is also an option worth considering.


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